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Kingdom-Based Evangelism - From UTU

Kingdom-based Evangelism is a shorthand term for the kind of radical, open, liberating and respectful approach to faith-sharing and discipleship that has been at the heart of UTU’s work from the outset.

It is based on the kingdom concept, as presented mainly in Mark’s Gospel, where Jesus encourages people to see God’s kingdom as a place of justice, joy,  healing and peace — often encapsulated in the Jewish word Shalom. It also includes the kin’dom idea that followers of Jesus are all ‘brothers and sisters in Christ’, children together of the one God.

These free downloadable resources have been written by a wide group of practitioner theologians from within the Anglican, Catholic, Baptist and Methodist traditions, brought together to create new materials about sharing faith from within this paradigm. They are aimed at ministers and lay or ordained people working for the churches or Christian projects. They include a study Guide for home groups.

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