Next online gathering: 7-8.30pm 13th October 2022
Aim: An online ecumenical ‘brave’ space for church at the economic margin’s advocates and practitioners of fresh expressions of church hosted by Fresh Expressions and the Methodist church.
Hosted by: Tim Lea, Fresh Expressions Networks facilitator and animator and Eunice Attwood, Church at the Margins Officer, The Methodist Church
To share what we are noticing about new ways of being church in our communities amongst people experiencing economic poverty.
To reflect on the lived experience of people experiencing poverty.
To reflect on nurturing small groups, connecting with our communities beyond the walls of church buildings
To reflect on the fresh expressions of church journey and values in way which might lead to serving neighbour and neighbour loving Jesus.
To learn from each other, share good practice and resources
To be honest about the challenges
To witness to the need for the wider church to be changed by the gifts of people at the economic margins
Move beyond the middle-class norms dominating fresh expressions of church in some people’s minds
There is a real crisis emerging in the cost of living across the UK will result in greater numbers of people being destitute and people experiencing poverty in greater numbers.
To pray for another
To build a network which has experience and wisdom to share.
Open to all denominations
Church at the economic margin practitioners: People who are nurturing communities amongst people experiencing poverty
Church at the Margins advocates: People who oversee practitioners, or are influencers in developing work, overseeing policy, or releasing resources.
Book your place here.